Our D-SaaS platform
PowaDAP Early Access:
Powa Lottery Demo:
Powa Staking Demo:
MultiSender Demo:
currently in development
An application platform designed to enhance the usefulness of projects and ventures within the Blockchain.
We define our service as D-SaaS (Decentralized Software as a Service).
Where developers and entrepreneurs can offer their audience different utilities with their tokens.
Important: This page is constantly updated!
Soon the link to the public Beta of the platform and more information will be included. Be aware of our roadmap!
Main modules of the platform:
Powa Lottery:
Creator of personalized lotteries where various projects can carry out automated dynamics with their own token, as well as entrepreneurs can carry out raffles with other tokens or cryptocurrencies.
Powa Staking:
Staking pools generation tool, where different projects can generate their own pools and offer rewards to their holders. Creators can configure deadlines and amount of rewards to be granted (% APY), as well as being able to configure a different reward token than to which it is blocked. Users may decide whether to make staking in a blocked or unlocked way.
Powa D-Vote:
A useful decentralized voting tool to give the possibility to holders of tokens of a project to address a critical issue about it through the issuance of votes, taking into account their market share.
Powa Token designer:
An advanced innovative token creation system with greater customization capabilities and administration panel, intended for entrepreneurs who do not write code.
Powa Launchpad:
Tool to create pre-sale and fairlaunch. We take the best features on the market and power it. An entrepreneur can carry out his presale in a professional way, where in addition to having a dashboard with advanced statistics and multiple functions, as well as a clear and simple interface for its investors, he can have a customizable, informative and promotional landing page.
Powa Market Maker:
An automated market making service for projects, with customizable settings and advanced statistics.
Powa Trading Game (Alpha):
Price prediction game where you can make bullish, bearish bets using the ecosystem tokens.
* This module will be tested and then in the alpha phase at launch and in the following months functionalities will be incorporated.
*Integration of POWA, BBTC and EATH progressively in some functionalities in a staggered manner.
Support tools:
Multi Sender:
Will allow the user to send tokens or network coins in batch through a simple transaction.
Token/Liquidity Locker:
A safe option for project owners to lock the liquidity generated through pre-sales on our launchpad and also to lock tokens to request them later.